Flashbelt 2009 Tickets

The first 100 Flashbelt Tickets are going for a sale price of $279. Flashbelt is a yearly conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota and focuses on RIA development. Confirmed speakers include: James Patterson (presstube), Hoss Gifford, Mario Klingemann (quasimondo), Joa Ebert, Seb Lee-Delisle (plug-in media), Drew Trujillo (dr. woohoo), Lisa Larson-Kelley, Geoff Stearns (youtube), Jeremy Thorp […]

Skinning Flex Components – Part 1: CSS

This will be a three part series on skinning Flex components. For part one I have chosen to desolve the myth that Flex 3 can’t truly cascade styles. This three part series will start simple and get more complex with each post. You can use this code to mimic descendant selectors, dimensioning and multiple class […]

Validate Twitter Credentials in AIR

Problem: Your AIR application needs to validate the username / password and handle failure gracefully within the application. If the user enters the wrong information you do not want them to be prompted with a windows prompt asking them to enter their Twitter username / password. If the application needs to hold on to the […]