Knockout.js makes working with JavaScript much more enjoyable. The MVVM pattern helps to better organize code and keeps the UI in sync with the server. In the case of complex web applications, a framework like this is incredibly helpful. I would not recommend this library for static web content or sites that need to be SEO heavy. Developers with an Object-Oriented Programming background will be right at home with Knockout.js. Using the content provided by David Ly, I was able to quickly ramp up on this framework.

David Ly and I recently worked together to create a video tutorial series for Knockout.js. The video series walks through creating a simplified version of Google Docs, allowing users to create documents, spreadsheets and surveys. You can find the video series here:

Building a Single Page Web Application with Knockout.js

Knockout.js is a free, light weight framework you can use to build web applications.

Sample Video from Section 4:

Sections 1, 2 and 3 are pretty basic (starts out simple). Sections 4 and 5 get a bit heavier. Sections 6, 7 and 8 are code heavy, they dive into the more interesting features of Knockout.js. The video series is meant for people with a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS.

Additional Resources

Knockout.js: Building Dynamic Client-Side Web Applications
Knockout.js Homepage link
Knockout Context Debugger – Chrome Extension link
Knockout.js Plugins link