Back in the U.S. and recovered from jet lag, I’ve compiled a list of the best sessions, restaurants, beer and more from FOTB09. Plenty of reasons to go back again next year!

Best Session:
Carlos Ulloa – Hello Enjoy. Carlos, the creator of PV3D, demoed three amazing projects. He even gave some insight as to how he solved challenges in those projects and provided a time line of effort between software packages.

Best Code Jam:
Joa Ebert – Live coding. All of the Jam sessions were great but Joa’s live coding was beyond words.

Joa Ebert’s java live coding at Flash on the Beach 2009 from Thomas Gabrielsen on Vimeo.

Best Food:
Bill’s – Produce store by day, restaurant by night. I didn’t have any bad food in Brighton but this restaurant was the highlight of the trip. A must visit for anyone traveling to Brighton.

Map of Bill's Restaurant

Map of Bill's Restaurant

Other notable restaurants include Pizza Express, Iguana, Bagleman’s and a Japanese restaurant.

Best Beer:
Harveys Best Bitter

Harvey's Best Bitter

Harvey's Best Bitter

Best Destination:
The Brighton Pier – Loads of rides, food and sights to see at the Brighton Pier. I skipped out on a couple sessions one of the afternoons to check it out. Definitely worth while to check out. Make sure to bring some coins for the arcade machines.

Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier

Best Inspiration Session:
Joel Gethin Lewis – Joel walked through his experiences with Massive Attack and contributions to open source frameworks.

Best Hotel:
Premier Inn – The staff was great, the rooms were clean and the price was reasonable. I would highly recommend the Premier Inn to anyone attending Flash on the Beach or traveling to Brighton.

Until next year!

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